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Fee Protection Insurance

Protect Yourself From The Cost Of An HMRC Investigation

At AMCI we can provide you with a Fee Protection Service to protect you from the costs that may arise as a result of a Tax or VAT Enquiry from HMRC.

An investigation could cost you money even if you’ve done nothing wrong and anyone can be selected: a business, a director or an individual tax payer.

The Fee Protection we can provide is an all-embracing Policy that provides you with the ultimate protection.

The detail

In the UK we live in an environment whereby the taxpayer is responsible for assessing their own tax liability. They are then at risk of HMRC opening an enquiry to check the right amount of tax has been paid.

HMRC use a sophisticated database called ‘Connect’ to start more than 80% of tax enquiries, which analyses data from 30 different sources.

If you are subject to an enquiry HMRC will write to you or visit your business premises. They will potentially want to review all of your books and records or will ask for more detailed information about specific transactions on your Tax Return. At the end of the enquiry they may look to raise an assessment for additional tax due.

If you are subject to an enquiry we will respond to HMRC’s requests for information and / or attend meetings with HMRC. We will provide our workings and detailed explanations, and we can dispute any assessment for additional tax due.

Rest assured we will give you the best possible defence.

You can protect

Our Tax Fee Protection Service protects against professional fees we will incur defending you or your business should you be subject to an HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) enquiry or compliance visit. Giving you the comfort of knowing that we can defend you at no extra cost.

Business Legal Helpline

An additional benefit of subscribing to this service is that support is available on general legal issues and the complex areas of Employment Law and Health & Safety. You will be able to use this free of charge to obtain complementary expert advice on such issues when you need help.

AMCI is supported by Vantage Fee Protect – the market leading Fee Protection Insurance provider in the UK.

Please Contact Us for further details.

Please click on the link to Buy an Insurance.
